Ellen 7 Months

Weight: 17 lbs.
Height: No doctors appt this month, but I’m guessing somewhere around 26.5

**UPDATE** We went to the doctor’s office on the 11th to do Ellen’s follow-up Flu Shot and she weighed in at 17.3 and was 26.5 inches long! Still right at about 50% for both weight and height!


Eating food, peekaboo, pulling her socks off (luckily we are getting into warmer temps which means…no more socks!), babbling, rolling around on the floor


She still HATES tummy time. She is better at it, but can’t make it 30 seconds without getting frustrated and then, wants nothing to do with it. I guess we don’t have to worry about her moving anywhere anytime soon.


{Sleeping} Sleeping great from 7:30-6:00 with the occasional 4-5 o’clock wake up. We have been on a constant schedule of bath, bottle, and bed from day one, which I think is DEFINITELY the reason why she has been a great sleeper.

Napping is getting better, but still a work in progress at home. I can get her down and asleep in her crib, but they only last 30-45 minutes….whereas, if I am holding her, she can sleep up to 2 hours! At school, she will take naps in her crib anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half.

{Movement} Moving a lot and rolling from side to side….still hating tummy time though. Reaching and grabbing for objects like a pro!

{Eating} We’ve progressed to a new eating schedule just this past week. She drinks an average of 26 ounces a day (mostly 5 ounces every 3-4 hours with a 6 ounce bottle in the morning) and has fruit for breakfast and veggies at lunch. Trying some new foods this week…potatos, berries, pineapple, zucchini, and mixed veggies. We’ve also introduced some finger foods for snacks (which absolutely terrifies me!!). We’ve tried Gerber Puffs and Mum Mums. I’m like helicopter mom when it comes to her eating solid anything, for fear of her choking….but she seems to like them and is doing great!

{Teething} TWO bottom teeth! Occasionally when eating her puffs/mum mums, she will bite her own fingers. Those things can do some damage. Still drooling non-stop.

{Talking} I swear she was trying to say “Daddy” the other day. Sounded more like “GaGa”, but we are getting there. Once she figures out a new noise or sound to make, we hear it non-stop until the next new sound. She now talks or sings herself to sleep at night, which is adorable.