Ellen Three Months

STATS: Weight: 13.2 lbs. Height: TBA LIKES: Baths, Bright Starts Zebra, her hands, Disney movies (Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, Fantasia, and Tangled are her favorites!), Sassy Ring O’ Links, talking and “singing” HATES: Being burped,...

Ellen Three Months

STATS: Weight: 13.2 lbs. Height: TBA LIKES: Baths, Bright Starts Zebra, her hands, Disney movies (Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, Fantasia, and Tangled are her favorites!), Sassy Ring O’ Links, talking and “singing” HATES: Being burped,...

Ellen Three Months

STATS: Weight: 13.2 lbs. Height: TBA LIKES: Baths, Bright Starts Zebra, her hands, Disney movies (Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, Fantasia, and Tangled are her favorites!), Sassy Ring O’ Links, talking and “singing” HATES: Being burped,...

2nd Wedding Anniversary

Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to my LOVE! It has been a wonderful 9 years (whoa!) together and I look forward to many many more!! Photography by the lovely Kristy Dickerson of Kristy Dickerson Photography!

Ellen Two Months

Well, I know we are a little behind, but with all of us coming down with the funk, work, designs, Halloween, etc…..we’ve found ourselves with not much time to do anything else. But, I was finally able to work in some time today to put together...

Missing Disney

I always hear people say that the holidays are SO much more fun once you have kids! I mean, they were always fun to begin with, so now I am especially looking forward to them this year! Thinking of all of the fun things we get to do now with Ellen, I think the one...