2nd Wedding Anniversary

Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to my LOVE! It has been a wonderful 9 years (whoa!) together and I look forward to many many more!! Photography by the lovely Kristy Dickerson of Kristy Dickerson Photography!

Ellen Two Months

Well, I know we are a little behind, but with all of us coming down with the funk, work, designs, Halloween, etc…..we’ve found ourselves with not much time to do anything else. But, I was finally able to work in some time today to put together...

Missing Disney

I always hear people say that the holidays are SO much more fun once you have kids! I mean, they were always fun to begin with, so now I am especially looking forward to them this year! Thinking of all of the fun things we get to do now with Ellen, I think the one...

Our First Cold

Well, we have officially made it through our first cold. Ellen started feeling poorly the weekend before Halloween and made it through Halloween night with just some sniffles and a runny nose. Went to see the doctor on Wednesday and, because she is so young, only home...

1 & 2 Month Favorites

Coming up to the 2 month mark, I thought I would share baby and momma’s favorites for months 1 and 2. I would say the first two months have been a lot of trial and error on different things…..luckily, we were able to hit the nail right on the head with a...

Henry & Ellen

Becky came over with Henry this past weekend and we couldn’t resist getting a few snaps of the two of them together in their “London” gear! I love how Henry is so relaxed and pleasant, and Ellen can’t seem to figure out what her face is...

Ellen One Month

Happy One Month Birthday to our sweet Ellen! As slow as the first two weeks seemed to have gone at the time, looking back…..time really has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the hospital ready to meet our beautiful girl! Although we...

Our First Photoshoot!

Well, Madam and I decided to bust out the big camera (since the only pictures we really had of Ellen were from our phones) and did a mini photoshoot at home today! Isn’t she a doll?! She already knows how to work the camera!